Friday 11 May 2012

FANtastic FREEBIE Friday! ~May 11

All these rumors floating around facebook regarding pages being shut down simply for hosting giveaways is a little crazy.  I absolutely love giving things away and I don't want to lose my fb page, so I am going to try something new.  I do have a website that is still somewhat under construction and my blog will eventually be on there (I hope).
It should be up and running soon, but for now let's just stick with the FREEBIES, here, on ye ol' blogger.  

I just wanna give stuff away, is that so wrong?

So here is what I am going to do this week, just comment below with your absolute number one favourite movie.

I know it's going to be hard to pick just one, I actually don't think I can pick just one, but you must.  You can do it!  Pick the one movie that you can watch, any day, any time, from mid way through, twice in the same day, etc.  

THAT movie.  We all know you have one. (or many, I know, tough huh?)

My pick is 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'.

My kids sing that soundtrack on a daily basis.  I have totally gotten to them.  Mom of the year right here ;)

I can't wait to hear your picks, and I will choose one comment at random by midnight (EST) tonight and post it in the 'winners' section.  That lucky winner will receive their choice of anything from my shop $6 and under with FREE shipping within Canada and to the U.S.

Speaking of winners, you should go and check that out for the winner of the 'FFF' suggestion contest!

P.S. in order to qualify to win, you must be a 'member' of my blog by 'follow this site' and you should 'follow by email' as well to stay on top of all my giveaways, promos, posts and of course the winners!  Please only comment once.

Thanks a bunch and good luck ;)


  1. GREASE!!! Yep I could watch that movie a million times in a row and not get sick of it. (Though there are a lot of other 80's movies I could do that with) But GREASE wins hands down, lol.

  2. My all time favorite movie for sure is "Gone with the Wind".

    I can sit and watch that movie from start to finish over and over again, lol, sounds weird, but its true. My 9 year old even loves it, hubby not so much, but oh well, we don't like his sports shows, HAHA !!

  3. The highly under-rated 80's flick, Mac and Me. Its a terrible rip off of E.T. but I could watch that coca-cola drinking, dressed as a bear, sneaking in to a McDonalds birthday party alien everyday! Its a classic! (Ask Paul Rudd! lol)

    1. I love Mac and Me!!! I watched that over and over when I was a kid! That brought me back, thanks for that ;)

  4. My all time favorite movie is Liar Liar with Jim Carey :)

    I do REALLY like The Nightmare Before Christmas though and collect stuff.

  5. i can't pick a favorite movie personally, but my all time favorite movie to watch with my girls is the wizard of oz. we can watch it over and over and over and still never get enough of it. my oldest daughter had the movie memorized by the age of 3. lol it was always her favorite, that and white christmas.

    kathleen stull

  6. Titanic has been my favorite for yrs I did tons of research when I was younger but my new favorite movie is machine gun preacher!!

  7. If I HAD to pick just one movie to watch for the rest of my life I'd probably go with Fight Club.

    I want you to hit me as hard as you can ;-)

  8. Just one....hmmm touch but I guess dirty dancing would be the winner! Followed up with grease, gone with the wind, american history x, and titanic.

    Paula cellars

  9. Nightmare before Christmas too actually. My whole house is decked out in NBC stuff... although.. i love all of burtons stuff. we're going to see dark shadows tomorrow for our anniversary!

  10. Mine is not a classic, but it's Pineapple Express! James Franco and Seth Rogen together is hilarious!! I could watch this movie literally everyday! :)


  11. The Labrynth. Never ever get tired of that movie. A few others are close behind ...but if I can only pick one. No question. Would you like me to recit it for you....maybe sing you the soundtrack? LOL. ♥

  12. It is hard to pick just one but...I love Taladega Nights. It makes me laugh everytime!

    Cody Bahls

  13. I'm stuck between two. The first is 'Its a Wonderful Life', it always puts me in a good mood. The second would be 'The Goonies', not sure why I love it but I do. But I have to say that 'It's a Wonderful Life' is my all time fav.

  14. I would have to say that my favorite movie of all time would have to be Rocky Horror Picture Show! It is the perfect mix of weird, dark, sexy entertainment. Its hilarious if you really listen to what they are singing about. Plus, who can resist Tim Curry in fishnet stockings? ;) lol

    1. Tara!!! You are the winner!! You get to choose anything in my shop $6 and under with FREE shipping within Canada and to the U.S.

      Just email me your choice and mailing address when you are ready :)

      Thanks a bunch! Woot woot

  15. I love Nacho Libre. I just love Jack black.

  16. Yay!! Thank you so much. I am so excited!!
