Saturday 28 April 2012

First post...

I have been contemplating what to write about on my 'first post'.  I tell ya, it's been tough!  I have a billion ideas in my mind as to what to put on my blog.  Obviously I will be blogging about crafting, duh, but I would like to post about daily life as a stay at home Mom.  I will be writing about parenting (Mom to 5 year old Triplets here!) cooking, baking, photography, entertainment, reading and just the daily task of running a household.   This won't be your average 'stay at home Mom blog', trust me.

After opening up my facebook shop (The Tattooed Tutu) I realized how involved parents are in the social media boutique world!  There's modeling pages, a whole whack of hair bow pages, everything from selling the clothing your children have outgrown to raising money to help pay for a friends cancer treatments.  Social media is such a fantastic thing, I just had to be a bigger part of it.

Now I know that I may not spell everything correctly, or have correct grammar or punctuation, and so on... I type from the heart, and most of the time I will have three 5 year old children distracting me, which I believe is their ultimate daily goal.  But I know that my daily experiences will hit home with a lot of you out there.  So follow me as I continue this amazing life of being a parent and 'working' from home.

Life is good.

Love Jeanine


  1. I love the layout and the colors. The lettering is a little hard to read at times but other than that its great!!

  2. Love the color of this blog! <3 officially being followed.. although... im not very good using blogger lol
